But here's the secret - insofar as my perceptions went anyways: There's NOTHING to get. Really. I promise that I'm not being obfuscatory when I say this. There is nothing to get. The entire thing is utterly and completely pointless. It is pure absurdity. And that's what makes it perfect.

I realized the truth of Burning Man while walking across the Playa the first Sunday night we were there. I was with some campmates heading toward the Man (though he hadn't been raised yet). In the distance, I could see center camp, and to either side, curving back toward us in a massive arc were the big Esplanade camps, many still being built. They were all awash in color and there was music swooping and diving over the playa. It reminded me of how Atlantic boardwalks look at night when seen from the ocean. But being in the desert, away from any semblance of civilization, lent an otherworldly effect to the scene.

It was one of those epiphanies where it feels as if the wrapping paper has been ripped off the package and you finally get to see what's inside. In a flash, I understood the fallacy of daily life: there always has to be an answer to the question "why?." Everything we do in this society, every move, every decision is calculated to get us to the next step (whatever that is). And we spend so much time calculating and deciding and moving forward, that we never get to enjoy where we are now. And once we're there (wherever 'there' is), we're looking for the next big thing yet again.

Walking out there, that balmy clear night, I realized that Burning Man offers that space. Nothing happens out there for any reason other than itself. The the art out there exists for its own sake, not for critical acclaim, not for monetary gain, not for entree into some circle of society. It exists because some artist looked into his or her heart, had a vision, dreamed a sky full of ideas... and decided to make it happen. For no reason other than "because." What a fucking GIFT! So too with the camps. And the people. They are there just because.
And in this simple existence lies perfection. Something that just "is" can't be wrong.

Don't misunderstand me, though. Burning Man, on a "real" level isn't perfect. It's not some utopian idyll. It's a city, with all the good and bad that a city has to offer. But in concept... THAT'S where the perfection lies.
It's so funny now to see the looks people give when you tell them about the Playa. They don't get why you'd want to wear a prom dress with engineer boots and a glowing cowboy hat in a desert. You can see it on their faces: Well, that's just silly.
And you think, "Exactly."
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